Elder in Residence

Dr. Lois Peeler AM

Dr Lois Peeler AM

AuntyLois Peeler identifies as a Yorta Yorta and Wurundjeri woman. Lois has extensive experience in Aboriginal Affairs. She holds a Certificate in Educational Administration - Victorian Institute of Educational Administration, Indigenous Leadership Development Program, Latrobe University, Level IV Workplace Assessor and Trainer, Stephen Covey Leadership Training, Bachelor of Business RMIT (incomplete). A recognised Aboriginal Elder, she was appointed Acting Commissioner Aboriginal Children and Young People.

She is a member of the Aboriginal Justice Forum, Chair of the Regional Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) Eastern, Member of the Centre for Strategic Education Indigenous Education Focus Group, Victorian Indigenous Education Network, Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) independent schools representative, Chair of the Koori Independent Prison Visitor Committee, Office of Correctional Services Review, former Trustee, Fairley Foundation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), Secretary, National Organisation for Aboriginal Housing, Director, Indigenous Land Corporation, Director, Land Enterprise Australia, Director, Parks Victoria, First Nations Advantage Credit Union Committee, Federation of Aboriginal Women National Convenor, Victorian Women’s Advisory Council, Koorie Women Mean Business, President, Green Hills Foundation (Aboriginal Education).

Aunty Lois held the position of Manager of the Aboriginal Employment Unit of the Public Service Board (Victoria) with responsibility for the coordination of the Aboriginal Employment Strategy for the Victorian Public Service. Indigenous Tourism Leadership Group - National Tourism and Heritage Taskforce, National Indigenous Advisory Committee to SOCOG, Australian Regional Tourism Network, co-author Respecting Our Culture, tourism accreditation program for the Australian tourism industry and co-author of the Yorta Yorta Language Heritage and author of Riverconnect an Aboriginal Oral History and Writer/Researcher of the DVD The Flats – an Aboriginal Oral History.

She was awarded a Centenary Medal for her work in Indigenous tourism and the Order of Australia for her work in Indigenous education. She was awarded 2017 Victorian Senior Australian of the Year. In 2017, Aunty Lois was awarded a Doctor of Social Science Honoris Causa by RMIT University. Recently in 2024, she was inducted into the Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll, she joined 150 Aboriginal people who have been inducted to the honour roll since its inception in 2011.